Saturday, February 10, 2018

Lift gate, minor issue, fixed!

Owning a cheap car means compromising with various things sort-of-but-not-entirely working.  You don't drive the car, you negotiate travel to your intended destination.  Anyway...

The lift-gate on my Freestyle was catching on the black, plastic trim.  The work-around was to push down on the trim when opening the lift gate to avoid the extra bit of effort needed to overpower the bit of plastic interfering with the operation of the rear lift-gate.

Not a big problem, but enough of a problem for me to spend 15 minutes to fix it.  Repair involved removing the panel, cleaning away the dirt caught underneath, fixing the fastener so the trim stayed seated and putting the trim back.

Removing the trim was easy, I just pried with my fingers, no tools necessary: the end that wasn't working correctly was already sticking up a little, affording a good starting place.  Dirt inhabited the area under the trim, as expected.  This might have been a factor in pushing the trim out of place; but, I'm guessing it would have collected there no matter what and such a thin amount of dirt shouldn't make that much of a difference.

Taking a close look at the clip holding things in place, it was clear it compressed and that's why it wasn't keeping the trim in place. I pried it open a little more, so it would catch in the slot in the bumper and thus keep the trim from lifting.  I was contemplating putting something in the clip so that it wouldn't compress again, but I figured for the amount of effort involved in the fix, doing this once more would be no problem and I'd take more drastic actions then, if deemed necessary.

Returning the trim to its proper place took a minute or two.  Not a big issue, but an irritating one. Can't believe it took this long for me to fix. 

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