Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Back in October of last year, I figured it was time to keep better track of my miles driven, fuel consumption and the like, maybe some patterns would emerge, maybe I could get a semi-accurate read on the fuel economy for my ride. 

First task: how to log the data.  I'd need to capture the miles driven, fuel cost, gallons purchased at the least to have the data necessary to calculate fuel consumption.  Here's my alternatives:

  1. Old-style pen/paper.  Follow-up with a calculator, or abacus, or count on fingers, except when dividing.
  2. Fancy-pants application for the mini-computer I carry with me most of the time. 
The low-tech solution seemed too hard, I just couldn't imagine writing legibly into a notebook more than twice before giving-up, so I went with the app.  After an exhaustive eight-minute search, I found a tool for my phone for mileage and fuel tracking: FillUp. Does not have fancy graphics, but it fits on my super cheap, low resource phone and works with minimum fuss.