Sunday, February 26, 2017

P0171 and P0174

After a few weeks of smooth running, I see the check engine light, I thought it was the fuel cap not tightened.  Fired-up Torque and the codes P0171 and P0174 came forth from the engine management system.

P0171/P0174 means the fuel/air mixture is too lean.  That means a) too much air b) not enough fuel c) some combination of a and b or d) a defective sensor.


In the case of d, we'd be looking at the mass air sensor, but let's assume our sensor's telling us the truth and we're not getting enough gas or too much air.  Let's start with the air: I checked under the hood and the path from the filter to the throttle looked OK.  That leaves the intake manifold seals.  Not sure how old those are, could be the culprit.  Alldatadiy recommends that I also check the EGR system as well, that seemed to be OK.


Next the gas: No leaks.  The filter (sorry, no picture!) appears to be old -- could even be original.  The fuel pump might not be moving the fuel to the I'd start with replacing the fuel filter and see if that helps.  But first, I'll clear the code.  If the code appears again, I'll know it's not just a ghost in the machine.


It must might be the unseasonable temps and the huge dip in temperature the last few days.  Here's last week weather thanks to timeandate

Maybe there was some condensation where there shouldn't have been with the quick dip in temps.  Or couplings cooled at different rates, allowing for some leakage. If the code doesn't come back, I'd attribute it to the sudden shift in weather; but, I think that's wishful thinking and something will need to be fixed in the near future.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Lift supports installed

Maximum package, minimum product
My new lift supports were purchased from RockAuto and shipped to me thusly.  Seems like a lot of box for not that much product.  Padding?  The padding was placed atop of the product, so it contributed to the protection of just 1/6 of the product's surface area.  The cardboard box did the rest of the work in terms of keeping things from arriving crushed.

Smurf entrails
Seeing such a wasteful way to ship products reminds me of how much it must cost to be more efficient.  Guessing that warehouse guys at RockAuto fulfilment have just a few sizes of boxes, stocking more would be more expensive than the waste of a 1/10th filled, but larger box.  RockAuto seems to be the greatest offender in the box to product waste, with Amazon being a close second.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Lift Supports and Punch Cards

Technology has a habit of hanging around well past its welcome, like a dinner guest who, despite their empty wine glass and the clatter of dishes being cleaned lingers until being handed their car keys.

To the left is a punch card with an VIN, Vehicle Identification Number.  All cars produced since 1981 must be uniquely identified with a standard VIN which means there must be some agreement as to what constitutes a VIN, and such a thing exists at ISO 3833. Wikipedia contains a reasonably good description of the standard if you don't want to shell-out for
Last model year: 2012
the official document.  According to the high priests at the Universal Church of ISO, the world ends in model year 2039, so we know when to schedule the turn-in date on that low-mileage leased car: 5,000 miles a year with a dollar per mile overage.  Who's going to collect when the earth disappears in an existential poof in 2040?  Just don't lease from Sallie Mae, because they'll still be around and they'll be looking for you.