I was taking the dog out for her evening walk (we have a Captain Dick / Moby Ahab thing going on with a loitering ground hog in the park) and what do I see: A pink Cadillac. Not some subtle, "is that really pink?" I-sold-my-former-friends-a-bunch-of-Mary-Kay pink, we're talking loud and proud Dunkin' Donuts pink.

This is how I came upon the car. The LED ground-effect lighting slowly pulsated, drawing your attention, just in case you missed the rest of the car. Note the chrome door handles and pillar trim. I didn't test if these were plastic or chrome, judging by the condition, I'm guessing the car was opened with gloved hands. I was hoping the owner was close by so I could get some shots of the interior and ask about the paint job and other mods, but after waiting fifteen or so minutes, no luck. I was disappointed, because I wouldn't be surprised if the engine bay had its share of chrome as well.

Not just ground effect lighting, but grill effect lighting as well. My cell phone camera doesn't do justice to the front of the car and how the lighting came through the grill. Notice the upgraded headlights (with LED eyebrows), I wish I could have gotten a picture of with the head lights on for the full effect. The grill probably wasn't stock, and the all chrome Caddy shield definitely wasn't.
Everyone has chrome / alloy wheels these days. Chrome wheels inserts exactly matching the car's paint. Now we're talking unique! The camera might not catch this well, the inserts were plastic and from what I can tell, not painted, so I'm guessing this is part of a kit where one can get the rims with inserts and the paint. Also note the ground effects. From here it's easy to see the car was lowered a few inches as well. I was tempted to crawl underneath to see if the owner had an adjustable suspension installed, but I think I would be demonstrating some boundary issues.
Too bad I couldn't get a few words with the owner of the car. The dog was getting restless -- squirrels aren't going to chase themselves up a tree -- so we had to get moving along.
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